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Protection Engineering
- Air protection,
- Air quality monitoring,
- Water protection,
- Ecology in diferent field,
- Emergency situations,
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources,
- Experiences in preventing the spread and treatment of the infectious disease COVID-19,
- Fire protection,
- Handling and manipulation of dangerous substances,
- Impact of climate change on business, health,
- Legal regulation ISO 14001,
- Legal regulation ISO 45001,
- Legislation and implementation of regulations,
- Management in sustainable development,
- Occupational medicine and employee health protection,
- Personal protective equipment,
- Risk management,
- Risk on social networks,
- Safety and health at work,
- Security of information and other systems,
- Waste management,
- Education in Protection Engineering.
Technology engineering
- Food engineering,
- Chemical engineering,
- Pharmaceutical engineering,
- Biotechnology,
- Eco-energy engineering,
- Oil and petrochemical engineering,
- Materials engineering,
- Biochemical engineering,
- Biomedical engineering,
- Biological engineering,
- Microbiology,
- Education in Technology Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering
- Aircraft engineering,
- Automation and robotization of production processes,
- Machine elements and constructions,
- Mechatronics and robotics,
- Protection in the field of mechanical engineering,
- Structural engineering,
- Technical and technological accidents,
- Welding engineering,
- Education in Mechanical Engineering.
Traffic, urban planning and construction
- Air transport,
- Architecture,
- Construction,
- Geodesy,
- Organization and management of traffic safety,
- Safety of road users,
- Transport, dispatch and reception of dangerous goods,
- Urbanism,
- Vehicles and transport,
- Education in Traffic, Urban Planning and Construction.
Design, graphic and arts
- Application of new technologies in the process of acquiring knowledge,
- Applied modeling, industrial design and virtual engineering,
- Development of business and marketing strategies,
- Education strategy and staff retraining,
- Education, training and education,
- Packaging and packaging of hazardous materials,
- Product design and packaging,
- Protection in the 3D printing process (thermal hazards, pollution, etc.),
- Aplied arts and design,
- Architecture,
- Dramatic and audiovisual arts,
- Fine arts,
- Musical arts,
- Education in Design, Graphic and Arts.
Electrical engineering and information technology
- Telecommunications,
- Analysis and optimization of the characteristics of telecommunication channels,
- Applications for mobile devices,
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning,
- Artificial Intelligence in education – AIED,
- Design, analysis, application of management systems in industry and laboratory,
- Electric machines and electric drives,
- Electric power networks and systems,
- Power systems,
- Information technology,
- Information security and protection,
- Education in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
Natural and Mathematical sciences
- Big data,
- Biological sciences,
- Chemical sciences,
- Computer sciences,
- Data sciences,
- Geo-sciences,
- Mathematics,
- Mechanics,
- Physical sciences.
Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy and sociology
- Philosophy and theology,
- Philosophy, pedagogy, andragogy and special education,
- Sports science,
- Education in Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.
Law, economics and political sciences
- Circular economy,
- Economics and organizational sciences,
- Entrepreneurships,
- Management,
- Law and political sciences,
- Security sciences,
- Tourism and Hospitality,
- Education in Law, Economics and Political Sciences.
Medical sciences
- Dental sciences,
- Medical sciences,
- Occupational safety and health,
- Pharmaceutical sciences,
- Sports sciences,
- Veterinary sciences,
- Education in Medical Sciences.
- Agronomy,
- Biological pest control,
- Crop sciences,
- Entomology,
- Genetics and genomics,
- Plant physiology,
- Soil sciences,
- Education in Agriculture.
Language for specific purpose
- Linguistics,
- Communication,
- Cultural studies,
- Teaching methodologies,
- Education in Language for Specific Purpose.