in collaboration with the The Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Technical University of Zvolen, Slovakia and Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Montenegro


Novi Sad, The higher education technical school of professional studies in Novi Sad, on 26. August 2024 30. August 2024


ISBN-978-86-6022-692-3 | Impresum | CIP
Contact: The higher education technical school of professional studies in Novi Sad, telephone/fax: +381 21 4892511 / +381 21 4892515,


The International Conference “Engineering conference” is being held for the from August 26-30, 2024 in Novi Sad. This Book of Proceedings includes 63 accepted papers. A total of 123 autors and co-authors successfully participated in the writing of papers for this year's conference. As well as every year, the papers came from various institutions from several countries. From year to year, the number of papers is increasing, so we are pleased to note that the number and quality of papers exceed the previously held conferences. This is primarily contributed by the authors of the papers. We thank them for sharing their quality research on this conference. We also owe a great deal of thanks to the reviewers who further helped to improve the quality of the papers. We also thank the technical support team who gave this Book of Proceedings its final form. This year, the Proceedings have been edited in the form of a clickable website, which will hopefully contribute to the easier retrieval and citation of the papers of the authors.

Novi Sad, August 2024
Prof. Phd. Mirjana Laban
Phd. Petra Tanović, Prof.


Protection engineering

Key words: operational plan, firefighting-rescue unit, intervention process, firefighting
Abstract: Operational firefighting plans represent a comprehensive database for the quick implementation of firefighting tactics and the rescue of endangered individuals. Upon completion, the operational plan is delivered to the subject for whom it was created, to familiarize all employees with the firefighting procedures for the facility. A logical next step would be to organize a demonstration exercise and train employees on evacuation procedures from the endangered facility. Unfortunately, this is done very rarely. After the exercise, additional education would be conducted to undertake preventive measures and present the conditions of the fire's occurrence, development, and consequences. This paper provides an overview of the operational firefighting plan for the Higher Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad.

Key words: occupational safety and health, preventive measures, occupational injuries
Abstract: The main objective of the Occupational Safety and Health Law is to reduce occupational injuries, occupational diseases and work-related illnesses or, when it is possible, prevent them altogether. The law advises preventive measures to eliminate the possibility of injury or illness occurring, the practice or "traditional approach" is mostly reactive - we will solve the problem when it occurs. The law cannot prescribe measures and wait for something to happen in order to check the effectiveness of the measures, the law must, as the only successful and effective approach, ensure the implementation of the regulations it has enacted. How it all looks in practice and what "practice" itself proposes as solutions will be elaborated in this paper.

Key words: average annual number of fire-rescue interventions per capita
Abstract: Data on fire-rescue interventions in the North Banat Administrative District for the period 2018-2022 are presented (5 years), which were then compared with the same type of data for the South Backa Administrative District in the period 2000-2022 (23 years). Differences were observed and possible interpretations of their occurrence were given. For the sake of a more objective comparison, the average annual number of fire-rescue interventions per capita for these districts was calculated (norming), which in the South Backa Administrative District amounts to 2.58 interventions per year per 1000 inhabitants, and in the North Banat Administrative District 5.77 interventions per year per 1000 inhabitants. The obtained result indicates a greater vulnerability of the North Banat Administrative District compared to the South Bačka Administrative District.

Key words: fire extinguishing with sound, cymatics, matter distribution, wavelwnght
Abstract: Fire's role in human advancement is undeniable. Arguably the most critical spark for civilization, it offered countless benefits alongside dangers – uncontrolled flames. From the very beginning, preventing and extinguishing fires efficiently became a necessity. Early humans relied on readily available resources like water and sand. Technological progress, however, introduced new materials and assemblies containing specialized combustibles. These advancements demanded novel fire suppression methods. Special chemical extinguishing agents and various extinguishing gases emerged. The latest technological leaps unveil a surprising phenomenon: sound can manipulate/extinguish fire. This discovery has led to a revolutionary method – sound-based fire extinguishing. Studies show that low-frequency sound waves of high intensity can effectively extinguish fires. The first fire extinguishers based on this principle are already in development. This paper delves into the fundamentals of sound-based fire extinguishing. It focuses on how sound waves interact with the fuel within the flame, specifically how the sound distribution and spatial configuration of the fuel (relative to wavelength) contribute to extinguishing the fire.

Key words: hypocentral depth, earthquake, intensity, atenuation, GMPE
Abstract: There are various factors that determine the damaging effects of an earthquake. Some of them are associated with the earthquake itself, while others relate to the natural and built environment in the area of its impact.An overview of all the factors and their influence on earthquake effects on the surface is provided in this paper. Macroseismic intensity is a parameter used in seismology to represent the damaging effects of earthquakes on humans, nature, and the built environment. The aim of this paper is to review literature related to factors that affect the damaging potential of earthquakes, with a specific focus on the hypocentral depth. Hypocentral depth has been given special attention. The methods for determination are listed, along with their limitations. Attenuation equations are usually used to express the impact of hypocentral depth on earthquakes' damaging potential. These equations provide information on how earthquake strength is attenuated with epicentral distance, whether it's measured by macroseismic intensity, magnitude, or maximum horizontal acceleration. The paper emphasizes the complexity of assessing the earthquake damage potential caused by a wide range of parameters, along with the impossibility of accurately determining the hypocentral depth.

Key words: flammable industrial dusts, fire characteristics, explosion parameters, explosion safety, industrial plants
Abstract: The safe operation of all industrial plants and of technological equipment located in them is very important. Fires and explosions of flammable organic and inorganic substances in almost all branches of industry (food, pharmaceutical, woodworking, electrotechnical, textile, engineering, chemical, etc.) were and still are a part of the existence of many technological operations. In these areas of industry, however, there are flammable industrial dusts that, thanks to their physico-chemical properties, fire and explosion parameters, under certain, precisely defined conditions, can disrupt the safety of the particular technology and cause an explosion. For this reason, it is very important for every industrial operation to know the fire and explosion parameters of the dust present in the production process or in the material processing in the particular industrial technology, and to ensure its explosion protection in advance. The article presents the results of experimental measurements of the minimum ignition temperature in settled and stirred state of selected wood combustible dusts and analyzes and compares the dependence of their explosion parameters on the size of their particles. At the end of the article, attention is paid to modern explosion prevention.

Key words: climate change, Balkans, emissions, consequence
Abstract: It is common knowledge that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has identified the Balkan region as one of the most vulnerable places. The energy sector, water sector, agriculture as well as infrastructure are at risk. The unavailability of water threatens plant crops, imposes agrotechnical irrigation measures as a solution, which is currently carried out on 8.3% of agricultural land in Serbia. In addition to extreme droughts, high temperatures increase the risk of forest fires, while changes in air mass movements lead to floods, soil erosion, and superstorms. Ultimately, extremely high temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius have a destructive impact on the human body, especially on children and people over 65 years old. The paper deals with an overview of the data that briefly, but very explicitly, depict the picture of this problem in the region.

Key words: Plastic Materials, Environment, Flame Retardants, Intumescent FR, Coatings
Abstract: The use of plastic materials in many industryes and some commercial products is very widespread (due to its low mass, low cost and easy processing) despite the fact that they are characterized by poor thermal properties (especially easy flammability). In order to increase the fire resistance of these materials, materials used as flame retardants (FR) were developed. They are used in two ways, either they are mixed with plastic mass or they are used to coat finished plastic products. However, during a fire, they break down and toxic compounds can be formed, which then lead to environmental pollution and pose a danger to human health. That is why, in modern researches of new materials as flame retardants, apart from the requirements for thermal characteristics, the need for them to be harmless to humans and environmentally acceptable is emphasized. The paper provides an overview of some previously developed FRs and their characteristics, as well as the latest FRs that are Environment Friendly and are based on the use of natural materials, such as egg or oyster shells or various compounds from plants (Tannic and Phytic acid, Lignin and others) while improving the thermal characteristics and reducing the flammability of plastic.

Key words: Seveso plants, operator, chemical accidents, Registry of Seveso plants, comparative analysis, structure, type of activity
Abstract: This paper analyzes the structure of the current Registry of Seveso plants (total number of plants, classification of plants by type, and activity performed by the operator). In this paper, a comparative analysis of the structure of the Registry of Seveso plants in the Republic of Serbia (data as of January 11, 2024 – the current state) and the structure of the Registry of Seveso plants in the Republic of Serbia (data as of November 2, 2021 – the previous state) was performed. It was assumed that the Registry of Seveso plants consists of a list of plants, which are classified by type into Seveso plants of higher and lower order. It was also assumed that the comparative analysis would show a trend of a very slight increase in the total number of Seveso plants, with minimal changes in the distribution according to the type (higher/lower order) of the plant and activity/activity performed by the operator. The results of the comparative analysis confirmed the assumption. In the Republic of Serbia, the Registry of Seveso plants is kept in an orderly and up-to-date manner with a structure and content by the law. Regular maintenance of the inventory of Seveso plants may indicate the fact that the operators of Seveso plants strictly apply the relevant regulations in the field of protection against chemical accidents.

Key words: renewable energy sources, small hydropower plants, transient regimes, headwater level governing
Abstract: Requirements for flexible operation of hydropower plants within contemporary electric power systems impose various transient regimes during their exploitation. Transient regimes of hydropower plants may vary from mild to violent ones. If not duly investigated during project planning and design stages, transient regimes may cause harmful or even devastating effects onto plant and equipment. The paper presents key findings of investigation of transient regimes of a refurbished and significantly uprated small hydropower plant, which include unsteady flow in the pressurized part of the system and headwater level governing, with adoption of protective measures and determination of the plant dynamic characteristics.

Key words: vegetable oils and fats, auto-ignition temperature, class F fires, kitchen fires
Abstract: Fires occurring in kitchens during food preparation are the leading cause of residential fires. It is estimated that two-thirds of cooking fires start with the ignition of fats and oils before food is added. This paper deals with determination the physicochemical characteristics of some commercial plant and animal fats and oils used for food preparation in homes and restaurants. We worked with the samples predominantly used in the Republic of Serbia. Changes during the heating of fats and oils were monitored, including temperatures at which various changes were observed: smoke appearance, boiling, auto-ignition, extinguishing temperature, and maximum attained temperature. Additionally, the densities of the samples at room temperature and flame height during burning were determined.

Key words: Firefighters, Occupational Health and Safety, Wellness, Physical Fitness, Occupational performance, Emergency response
Abstract: Firefighting is a physically demanding job that necessitates peak physical fitness. Their responsibilities include providing rescue services, fire suppression, emergency medical services, hazardous materials mitigation, special operations, and other emergency services. The aim of this study was to analyze and emphasize the importance of physical fitness for firefighters' occupational performance. The main findings of the study suggest that physical fitness plays a crucial role in the job performance of firefighters, with cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, upper body and lower body strength, exerting the most profound impact on occupational task performance. The implications of this study indicate that although firefighters are capable of performing the required job tasks, their lack of fitness can cause significant strain, potentially resulting in harmful health effects over time. The paper reinforces the connection between physical fitness and job performance, emphasizing that while firefighters may currently meet job task requirements, their long-term ability to perform these tasks effectively is compromised by poor fitness. This adds to the understanding of how fitness directly impacts operational effectiveness and safety. Therefore, it is evident that physical fitness and exercise standards are essential in the fire service in order to improve health and safety of the firefighters.

Key words: Firefighters, Physical Fitness, Personality, Occupational Performance, Exercise Preference
Abstract: Firefighting demands high levels of physical fitness for effective job performance. This study examined the relationship between personality traits (preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity, and extraversion), physical fitness, and firefighter ability in 45 male recruit firefighters. Participants completed physical fitness and firefighter ability assessments, along with personality questionnaires, at Week 1 and Week 7 of a Fire Academy. Cardiovascular fitness was assessed via 1.5-mile run, muscular endruance was assessed via YMCA bench press, 60-second push-up and 60-second sit-ups, power was assessed via vertical jump, and flexibility was assessed via sit and reach. Personality was assessed via self-report questionairres via the Preference for and Tolerance of Exercise Intensity Questionnaire and the International Personality Item Pool. Physical fitness mediated the relationship between preference and firefighter ability. Tolerance of exercise intensity and extraversion were not significantly related to fitness or ability. These findings suggest that personality, particularly exercise preference, influences firefighter ability through its impact on physical fitness levels. Understanding these relationships could inform firefighter recruitment, training, and health promotion strategies to optimize occupational performance and reduce injury risk. Personality assessments offer a quick and budget-friendly method to predict potential performance, making them valuable tools in the selection and development of firefighting personnel. Ultimately, leveraging these insights may lead to more effective firefighting teams, enhanced job performance, and improved overall health and safety outcomes for firefighters in their demanding profession..

Key words: air pollution, particulate matter, asphalt production
Abstract: One of the biggest issues in Serbia is air pollution. Traffic, heating, burning waste and industrial plants are sources of air pollution. In recent times, Serbia is in a significant investment cycle whereby public roads are being constructed to take the infrastructure to a significantly higher level. The objective of this paper is to investigate air quality within technology for Hot Mix Asphalt production in an asphalt plant. The asphalt base, as a stationary source of emissions, operates under predominantly unchanged working conditions: three sequential analyses of exhaust gas samples are carried out on its emitter i.e. three successive measurements for each periodic emission measurement. The outcomes indicate that all values obtained for PM concentrations were below relevant limit values.

Key words: high-rise residential buildings, industrial building system IMS, fire safety, fire resistance of structures
Abstract: The majority of fire-related fatalities occur in residential building fires that can be prevented. Preventing ignition and the development of a fire, if it does occur, by using construction materials with appropriate reaction to fire characteristics represents the first phase of passive fire protection. If the first barrier of passive protection fails and the fire fully develops, it is crucial to prevent the fire from spreading and to ensure the stability of the building during a specific time frame to enable the safe evacuation of building occupants and to facilitate the intervention of firefighting and rescue units. This measure constitutes the second phase of passive fire protection and relates to the fire resistance of building structures and elements. The paper presents an analysis of the fire resistance of the load-bearing structure of a group of high-rise freestanding residential buildings built with the prestressed industrial prefabricated building technology (IMS), in the first half of the 1970s in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Key words: Safety and health at work, injuries at work, inspection supervision, strategy, international workers
Abstract: The paper deals with the number of work-related injuries, as well as some elements of the Strategy related to occupational safety and health in the period from 2013 to 2023. It includes an overview of the sectors with the highest number of work-related injuries and the most common causes of injuries from 2018 to 2023. Additionally, it emphasizes new problems that have arisen due to the increase in the number of international workers in the Republic of Serbia.

Key words: environment, hotspots, pollution, heavy metals, mine water. sediment
Abstract: The exploitation of mineral deposits is accompanied by a series of negative phenomena that lead to the process of environmental degradation, that manifest in various forms. The impacts of mining activities on the environment are numerous and include impacts on biodiversity, soil, surface and water, impacts on air quality and human health. Putting under control the protection of land, water, air in the process of exploitation of raw mineral materials, both in the mines themselves and in the surroundings, has always been a weak point of the mines in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The mines never allocated enough funds to arrange their space in the prescribed manner, not even concerning the basic needs of the working environment, although this is a clearly defined legal obligation. Today is environmental protection in mining, an international standard and obligation. [2] The paper presents the results of research based on analyses carried out in situ and in laboratory conditions regarding several localities of the former Vareš mine. These localities represent places of inherited pollution from the time of SFR Yugoslavia, and afterwards from the period of war events, when they were abandoned and left mostly unattended, which generally represents one of the biggest environmental problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Key words: Electrical failure, electrical insulation, portable tools, electric shock, electrical distribution cabinet, differential current protection device
Abstract: This paper analyzes the protection against electric shock when working with portable tools, as well as the dangers that arise during electric failures (insulation breakdown) on these tools. Special attention is directed towards insulating or the separation of conductive parts from the Operator of the tool that can come in contact with energized equipment. Typical examples are handheld drills, grinders, sanders, electric circular saws, heat guns for removing paint, etc. Emphasized on the safety of using these tools on temporary construction sites, in conditions of increased humidity and the use in electrical distribution cabinets. The requirement to inspect and test tools, based on current laws and regulations is also mentioned.

Key words: fire safety, legislation, work environment factors, management, systems approach, indicator
Abstract: Proper functioning of the fire safety management system is a very important task that must be approached professionally. A prerequisite for performing work activities is that the factors in the work environment comply with the principles of occupational safety and health, whether workers are in enclosed spaces or open areas. Special attention should be given to the prescribed level of fire safety. Behavior in accordance with the current legal regulations in the field of fire protection significantly affects employee performance. A systems approach to fire safety management, while adhering to laws, regulations, and recommendations in the field of fire protection, contributes to a safer work environment and reduces fatal occupational injuries. The professionalism of workers responsible for performing tasks related to reducing the level of fire risk is of great importance, but the factors in the work environment can also significantly affect the efficiency of performing tasks prescribed by the Law on Fire Protection and other regulations.

Key words: indicators, management, occupational safety officer, licenses, electricity
Abstract: Organizational factors of the work environment system can have a significant impact on worker safety and health, particularly in high-risk workplaces and when workers are exposed to the effects of electricity. Compliance with the legal regulations in the field of occupational safety also implies the employment of occupational safety and health personnel with adequate licenses. Occupational safety and health professionals who hold the necessary licenses must be employed in order to comply with the legal requirements in the field of occupational safety. The regulations also require that experts examine working environment conditions, inspect and test work equipment, and ensure that adequate organizational factors in the working environment system influence risk reduction

Key words: municipal waste, waste composition, waste treatment methods, pollution, ecology
Abstract: As a consequence of the increase in the production of municipal waste, the amounts of landfills and municipal waste in them in the modern age, efforts are being made to prevent or reduce the harmful impact of landfills on the environment and to improve waste management. In this sense, the adequate selection of the method of classification of municipal waste in the field is of great importance in the process of reducing waste disposal in landfills and increasing the preparation for reuse and recycling of key waste streams, such as municipal waste and packaging waste, with the aim of determining its morphological composition. This paper presents the methods of municipal waste classification in the field and the morphological composition of municipal waste in the Republic of Serbia and highlights the importance of a standardization of the methods used for the classification of municipal waste.

Key words: Burnout at work; Auto industry, Physical exhaustion, Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization, Feeling of Low Personal Accomplishment
Abstract: The paper examines the impact of burnout at work on employee performance at the workplace in the auto industry in the Republic of Serbia. In addition, it is investigated whether there are differences in the impact of burnout at work depending on the organizational level at which they are employed. he findings show that burnout at work has a negative impact on the performance of employees at the workplace in the automotive industry in the Republic of Serbia. Also, the results of the research show that there is no difference in the impact of burnout at work on the performance of employees depending on the organizational level they are at.

Key words: mechanical properties, welded casing pipes, axial surface crack, fracture resistance, failure assessment diagram
Abstract: The subject of this paper is integrity analysis of welded casing pipes made of API J55 steel by highfrequency (HF). Experimental tests are conducted on specimens made from pipes after 70 000 hours of service in an oil drilling rig for the purpose of evaluating the integrity of welded casing pipes with axial surface crack. First, the experimental testing of base material mechanical properties was conducted, and then, fracture behavior by testing the modified compact tension (CT) specimen with a pre-crack in the base material, welded metal and heat affected zone (HAZ) was examined. The critical value of the stress intensity factor was determined using the critical value of the J integral. Based on obtained values for dimensionless variables and using Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD), evaluation of the integrity of welded casing pipes with axial surface crack was performed.

Key words: panoramic frame, urban intervention, natural setting, landscape architecture, environmental impact
Abstract: This paper examines the role of panoramic frames as urban interventions in natural landscapes, with a specific focus on the projects located at the Durmitor Ring and Bukumirsko Lake in Montenegro. These structures, strategically placed within natural settings, serve as visual markers that frame and accentuate specific vistas, thereby enhancing the aesthetic and cultural value of the landscapes they inhabit. The research delves into the design principles and construction techniques employed in these projects, exploring how materials are used to achieve both durability and visual harmony with the surrounding environment. The study also investigates the broader implications of this type of installations, including their impact on sustainable tourism, cultural heritage preservation, and environmental stewardship. By framing iconic views, panoramic frames not only attract tourists but also foster a deeper appreciation of the natural and cultural landscapes. Key findings highlight the dual role of panoramic frames in serving both functional and symbolic purposes. Functionally, they provide structured viewpoints that guide visitor experiences, while symbolically, they act as cultural artifacts that encapsulate the identity of a place. The research underscores the importance of integrating aesthetic considerations with environmental sensitivity, advocating for designs that minimize ecological footprints while maximizing visual and educational impact. Through these case studies, the paper offers valuable insights into the potential of panoramic frames as tools for landscape enhancement and cultural interpretation, contributing to the discourse on sustainable landscape architecture and responsible tourism development.

Key words: Fire, Explosion, Forensics, Criminal Investigations, Modern Technical Equipment
Abstract: Investigating crime scenes and obtaining the most accurate results, based on which the mechanisms of the undesirable event are determined, is one of the fundamental operational tasks performed by forensic experts in their work. To efficiently detect criminal acts and their perpetrators, especially those related to deliberately set fires, a synergy of knowledge from criminalistics and forensic sciences, fire science, and the use of modern technological advancements is essential. A significant number of crimes involve the use of explosive and pyrotechnic devices, and deliberately setting fires has destroyed or concealed traces of the crime and its perpetrators. The greatest challenge is that many pieces of evidence found at the crime scene are subject to physical and chemical degradation due to the destructive nature of the combustion process. In addition to traditional methods, technological advancements have enabled the use of modern technical achievements in fire investigation, with increasing use of thermal imaging cameras, detectors, and probes for documenting the scene of the undesirable event.

Key words: climate change, natural disasters, erosion, drought, hospital, trees, plants, Mišeluk
Abstract: We witness daily how much attention climate change receives in the public sphere, whether through political news, podcasts, literature, disaster films, audio-visual performances, public forums, or increasingly, private conversations. The hospital in Mišeluk was constructed in 2021 to address the urgent need for the reception, accommodation, and treatment of patients with COVID-19. Following the end of the pandemic, the hospital's purpose has shifted, and it now serves various services, clinics, and institutes of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina. This modern facility is situated in an area prone to environmental erosion, which has led to increased soil evapotranspiration. Consequently, enhancing the hospital grounds with suitable plant species poses a challenge. This paper presents a proposal for the greening of the hospital's grounds, taking into account climatic, topographical, and environmental factors to propose the most effective model. After analyzing the soil's chemical composition, terrain configuration, sun exposure, and wind exposure, recommendations are made for planting specific tree species that will contribute to the project's success.

Key words: inspection supervision, fire, explosion
Abstract: The Law on Inspection Supervision have bring news in all areas of inspection supervision. Inspection supervision in the field of fire protection has acquired new forms and contours, in which risk assessment will be one of the most important elements. One of the goals of inspection supervision in the field of fire and explosion protection is a strong and efficient mechanism of coordination and harmonization of supervision performed by different inspections, simplification of procedures and easier access to legal entities and the economy for incentives and in with the goal of reduced risks and dangers of fire and better protection of people and material goods from fire and explosions.

Technology engineering

Key words: NiO-Al2O3 catalyst, mechanical mixing of components, porosity, meso/macro pore, NiO loading, calcination, catalytic technologies
Abstract: The influence of NiO loading and calcination temperature on the formation of porosity and porous structure (pore size distribution) of NiO-Al2O3 catalysts, intended for dry reforming of methane but also for other catalytic technologies (e.g. for reduction of greenhouse gases, for obtaining blue hydrogen, alternative fuels, etc.) was investigated in the samples prepared by the method of mechanical mixing of metal oxide powders NiO and Al2O3. Catalyst samples were prepared by varying the NiO loading (5, 10, 20 wt%) and calcination temperature (400°C, 700°C, 1100°C) to examine the effect on porosity and pore size distribution. It is assumed that the varied parameters significantly affect the possibility of forming the catalyst's porous structure and porosity. The results showed that the maximum values of total porosity are achieved in samples with NiO loading: 5% and 10%, at a calcination temperature of 700°C. The porous structure is bimodal in most of the examined samples. Analyzes of the most common pore radius showed that macropores were present in samples calcined at 400°C and 700°C, with the simultaneous presence of mesopores, depending on the NiO loading. Total porosity results generally correlate with the most common pore radius results. Taking into account the limitations of the experimental technique for testing the porosity of solid materials and the consequent fact that micropores were not detected in the tested series of catalyst samples, it is necessary to conduct additional tests to evaluate the possibility of using the samples for selected, commercial catalytic technologies.

Key words: perlite, expanded perlite, abrasive for polishing
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the possible use of the fraction of expanded ground perlite industrial brand Perfit PF-245, obtained by the domestic manufacturer Termika D.O.O. Zrenjanin, as an abrasive component in the formulation of a recipe for a liquid abrasive for surfaces. Testing the quality of liquid abrasive samples for impurities on enameled, ceramic and glass-ceramic surfaces and the product's irritancy showed the properties of easy washing, non-stickiness of the surface after washing and no damage to the surface after prolonged action. It can also be used to wash hands with an enhanced rinse.

Electrical engineering and information technology

Key words: Data visualization, R, RStudio, Shiny, meteorological data, data analysis
Abstract: Data visualization is extremely useful and represents one of the most effective methods for statistical and graphical data analysis. The R programming language has very powerful data visualization tools. This paperwork presents the visualization of meteorological data using R package called Shiny which is used to create interactive web applications. The collected meteoroloogical data were previously filtered and prepared for modeling and then visualized. The web application was created in the form of a dashboard that was developed in R and has the ability to visualize previously trasnsformed data depending on the selection of the variable. The obtained results can be used as visual suppport for further data analysis in order to build a predictive model.

Key words: artificial intelligence, students, survey, ethics, Kosovo and Metohija
Abstract: For the purposes of this work, a survey was conducted in which 53 students/respondents of professional studies from Kosovo and Metohija participated. A questionnaire was used to collect data, and the research was conducted in the period March-April 2024. The results of a survey conducted among the student population on artificial intelligence, provide insights into student perceptions of this technology. Respondents expressed their opinions on knowledge of artificial intelligence, its impact on student performance, potential benefits and risks, as well as the need for education on ethical issues related to it. Although most students recognize the potential benefits of AI, such as facilitating research and exam preparation, there are also concerns about data privacy and the replacement of teaching staff by machines/software. These results indicate the importance of considering different aspects of artificial intelligence in education to ensure responsible and effective use of this technology in the future.

Key words: new technology, architecture, mobile network, fourth generation, fifth generation
Abstract: In recent decades, we have witnessed accelerated development in communication technologies, particularly in the realm of wireless transmission. This is driven by a significant demand from users for data transfer on one hand, and on the other hand, by the continuous advancement of modern devices which serve as tools for communication Currently, depending on the assessments of operators representing communications in various countries, services of the fourth (known as LTE/LTE-A Long Term Evolution/LTE - Advanced) and fifth generations of mobile networks are in circulation. This paper deals with a brief overview of wireless network generations (from first to fifth), the architecture of the fifth generation, as well as the adoption of the fourth and fifth generations in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. A descriptive method was used for analysis, and relevant conclusions are presented at the end.

Key words: renewable energy sources, small hydropower plants, rational exploitation of power facilities, refurbishment, efficiency and rated output increase
Abstract: Renewable energy sources hold key position in modern power generation systems. Evergrowing energy consumption requirements demand permanent development of new generating facilities, as well as rational and effective utilization of the existing ones. That includes, among other interventions – refurbishment of existing hydro power plants with replacement of main and auxiliary equipment in order of efficiency and rated power output increase. The paper presents overview of refurbishment of SHPP Kuršumlija civil structures (reconstruction of weir, intake structure, open channel conveying system, forebay, powerhouse and tailrace structure) and equipment (replacement of steel penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment, as well as main and auxiliary electro-mechanical equipment) and obtained techno-economic results.

Key words: Air Quality, Web Application, Artificial intelligence, React.js, JavaScript, Air Quality and Health
Abstract: We propose the use of a web application called Air Quality - AI health advisor. We analyze how different combinations of air quality parameter values can affect human health, particularly some organs by relying on the capabilities of AI. The web application uses air quality measurement results obtained via API from the View Plus Radon Detector made by Airthings. Then, the web application sends these measurement results to AI for further processing. As a result, AI returns a sorted list of human organs that are at health risk based on the latest measured values of air quality parameters. Our work presents the research problem as well as the web application specifically designed for the experiment. The experiment results are presented, followed by a discussion of the experiment results and directions for future work are proposed.

Key words: Artificial intelligence, GPT-4o, Quality of raw milk, Lactoscan SP milk analyzer
Abstract: The quality of raw milk is subject to changes that occur in response to changing climatic conditions, nutrition, milking. The most important quality factors include high fat and protein content, density, viscosity, freezing point, acidity, electrical conductivity, refraction, etc. The aim of this work is to evaluate the quality parameters of raw cow's, goat's and sheep's milk originating from farms of producers from Hetin and Plandište, as well as to evaluate the accuracy and speed of the Lactoscan SP milk analyzer measurement. GPT-4o represents the next step in natural human-computer interaction because it enables the combination of multiple media at the input and at the output. The paper tested the possibility to send tabular input data to GPT-4o in image format together with the question. As a result, an answer is obtained in text format. The answer obtained is later analyzed and discussed.

Key words: data structures, algorithms, segmentation, paging, memory protection
Abstract: The paper describes data structures and algorithms supported by x86 processor architecture that have an impact on main memory protection: (1) in terms of doesn’t allowing a process to access or write to the memory of another process (2) in terms that the memory of the kernel should be protected from the running processes in a way that the processes should be prevented from accessing directly the memory of the kernel or writing to the memory of the kernel and (3) in terms of protecting pages or segments of a process of improper accessing by that same process. Two main memory protection techniques are described: segmentation and paging. With segmentation, segment descriptor data structures and relevant algorithms for code and data segments are considered. With paging, page directory entry and page table entry data structures and relevant algorithms are considered, and also relevant register and method of paging activation. Finally, segmentation and paging are compared

Key words: machine learning, classification, nlp, text
Abstract: Text classification is one of the most common task of machine learning. There are a numerous algorithms that can successfully perform this task, and in this paper I will present several traditional methods (non deep learning) that are quite simple and do not require large resources, and can perform text classification with high accuracy.

Key words: Search engine optimization, microdata, scholarly articles, book of proceedings
Abstract: This paper is focused on microdata and their role in search engine optimization of scholarly articles. The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad has a long tradition of organizing scientific conferences in the area of technical sciences. To make individual papers easier to find, starting from 2020, books of proceedings for all conferences that are organized by this institution appear in the form of an ebook, i.e. a web page with links to individual papers. The novelty starting from 2024 is that the book of proceedings web page, and every scholarly article on it are additionally optimized for search engines using microdata, and the details are presented in this paper.

Key words: renewable energy, biogas, landfill gas, electricity
Abstract: This paper presents the design concept for utilizing landfill gas to generate electricity at the Regional Center for Waste Management "Duboko." This innovative process is gaining popularity due to its dual benefits. Firstly, it provides an efficient method for converting waste into electrical energy, significantly reducing the volume of waste in landfills. Secondly, the use of biogas for energy production is environmentally advantageous, as it does not contribute to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. By harnessing landfill gas, the Regional Center not only addresses waste management challenges but also contributes to sustainable energy solutions in Serbia, highlighting the potential of biogas as a renewable energy source in the fight against climate change.

Mechanical engineering

Key words: diagnostics, failures, turbogenerators, diagnostic signals, computers
Abstract: This paper deals with the architecture of the proposed diagnostic system for the detection of turbogenerator failures in their initial phase in order to prevent major turbogenerator failures and breakdowns, and consequently dangers to people and the environment, reduce material costs, which is achieved by timely undertaking maintenance activities.

Key words: 3D printing; SLA printing technology; dimensional accuracy; ABS liquid photopolymer
Abstract: This paper deals with an experimental investigation was conducted on the accuracy of dimensions of parts obtained using SLA 3D printing technology. By using the Halot SKY 3D printer, prismatic parts measuring 25x15x10 mm were printed. Standard ABS resin was used for printing, and no compensation parameters for this type of plastic were adjusted in the slicing software preparation for 3D printing. A micrometer was used to measure dimensions at multiple points on the parts themselves. Deviations between the dimensions of the physically produced parts and the dimensions specified in the computer model were determined.

Key words: Vibration diagnostics, predictive maintenance, advanced methods
Abstract: As industries adopt predictive maintenance strategies, vibration analysis becomes increasingly crucial. So far, developed and implemented a number of vibrational diagnostics methods with which we can unambiguously determine the existence of a true problem in machining operations. However it is possible to single out the methods of vibrational diagnostics with which to diagnose damage to the technical system in the phase of occurrence of this problem. In this way we can promptly detect the existence of defects, track propagation of damage and decrease the growth of the problem. This paper presents methods of vibrational diagnostics that are commonly used for early detection of defects in the work of rotating machinery.

Key words: Fracture, Thurst Disc, Highcycle Fatigue, Steam Turbine Rotor, Stress Analysis, Shrink Fit
Abstract: Fracture of the thrust disc integrated with the rotor shaft is an extremely rare event in practice. This kind of fracture leads to the potential danger of catastrophic failure of the aerodynamic section of the turbine. The basic prerequisites to avoid disc fracture are correct design, adequate material and quality production. However, in case of a certain malfunction of the machine, this event can still happen. In this paper, a historical case of the thrust disc fracture was presented, which fortunately did not cause catastrophic failure to the turbine. The analysis carried out on the basis of the facts found showed that the probable cause of the disc fracture was highcycle fatigue. After repairing the rotor, the turbine was reassembled and put back into operation.

Key words: fracture mechanics, finite element method, limit pressure, pipe, semi-elliptical crack
Abstract: In this paper, a systematic limit value analysis was carried out to determine the limit pressures of internal, axially cracked pipes for various dimensionless sizes of pipes and cracks. The semi-elliptical shape of the surface crack in a pipe loaded with internal pressure was analysed. The limit analysis was performed using the finite element method (FEM) in the Ansys software package. In order to gain confidence in the results of the FEM analysis, verification of the numerical model was carried out on the example of an uncracked pipe. The results of the numerical calculation of the limit pressure of the axially cracked pipe were compared with the analytical expression according to Kim, which was also derived from the numerical analysis, but in the Abaqus software package. The comparison showed a pretty good agreement between the obtained numerical results and the results according to Kim's expression.

Key words: friction stir processing, plasticity, EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy, processing conditions, tools
Abstract: Friction stir processing is an up-to-date field of research for the scientific and industrial environment, in a dynamic and continuous development that considers the local modification, on well-defined areas, of the mechanical properties and the microstructure of the material undergoing processing. One of the changes intended to be obtained through processing is the increase in the plasticity of the material in the processed area. Aluminum alloys represent a category of materials with widespread use in applications in various industrial fields. Each aluminum alloy has certain characteristics and mechanical properties that determine a certain behavior in FSP processing. One of the aluminum alloys with reduced plasticity as a base material is EN AW 7075. The work presents aspects regarding the possibility of increasing the plasticity of this aluminum alloy by applying friction stir processing in different processing conditions.

Key words: surface engineering, wear-resistant components, HVOF
Abstract: In today's research landscape, scientists and engineers are dedicated to creating materials that can withstand extreme environmental conditions while retaining essential properties. In the industrial sector, there is a growing imperative to reduce corrosion and wear for several reasons: Machine longevity: minimizing wear and corrosion can extend the life of machinery; Efficiency: reducing wear leads to more efficient devices; Innovation: advanced product development relies on durable materials; Resource conservation: protecting scarce material resources is essential; Energy savings: wear-resistant components contribute to energy efficiency; Safety: improving wear resistance improves operational safety. Specifically, this analysis focuses on surface engineering technologies for ground contacting components in agricultural machinery. These parts are subject to significant wear due to abrasive, impact and corrosive forces. Strategies to improve wear resistance include careful material selection, surface engineering techniques and design optimization. In addition, the analysis explores promising avenues for future research and development in this area.

Key words: gas pipeline failure, material degradation, L360NB ferrous alloy, non-destructive testing (NDT), destructive testing , manufacturing defect
Abstract: This study investigates the causes behind the operational failure of a DN800 gas pipeline, focusing on the current state of the material and the underlying factors that led to its degradation. The research integrates non-destructive and destructive testing methods to assess the mechanical properties and metallurgical structure of the pipeline material. Findings indicate that material failure is primarily due to manufacturing defects, inadequate chemical composition, and substandard metallographic structure. The analysis highlights the importance of rigorous quality control during production and regular inspections to prevent similar failures in the future. The study contributes to improving the safety and reliability of gas transportation infrastructure.

Key words: complex machines, technical systems, probability distribution, functional suitability, reliability, Bayesian estimation
Abstract: This paper presents a model for evaluating the reliability of complex machines within technical systems, focusing on their efficiency in performing designated tasks under specific environmental conditions. The study examines key parameters such as system efficiency, readiness, and functional suitability, proposing a mathematical approach that incorporates direct and Bayesian methods to assess these aspects. The model accounts for the probability distributions of readiness, reliability, and functional suitability, demonstrating their application through tests conducted in the steel industry. By utilizing the Mellin transform and Maclaurin series, the paper also explores the estimation of reliability functions and the determination of system effectiveness through experimental data. The proposed methodology offers a comprehensive framework for improving the reliability and effectiveness of technical systems in industrial settings.

Traffic, urban planning and construction

Key words: Wireless Sensing Technologies, Architectural, Engineering & Construction Industry, RFID Systems
Abstract: The paper aims to provide a concise introduction to Wireless Sensing Technologies and elucidate their essential characteristics in the context of the Architectural, Engineering, & Construction Industry. By exploring various types, including wireless sensor networks and RFID systems, this work offers insights into their significance in optimizing project management and ensuring structural integrity. Additionally, it examines the limitations of current WST implementations and proposes innovative solutions to address these challenges. Through this exploration, the paper underscores important role of WST in revolutionizing the Architectural, Engineering, & Construction sector and emphasizes the need for continued research and development to unlock their full potential.

Key words: RFID-RTLS, BIM, WTS, Experiments, Comercial Viability, Real-World Insights
Abstract: This paper explores the integration and application of RFID-RTLS & BIM tracking systems across diverse environments, demonstrating the versatility of WST for both academic and commercial purposes. Two initial experiments were conducted at the Wseern Michigan University, MI-USA: one indoor and one outdoor, in order to test the efficacy and reliability of the tracking systems. Subsequently, the technology was applied at the University's construction site, providing real-world insights into the system's operational capabilities. The scope of the research extended internationally with deployment in Western Africa's diamond mine, highlighting the commercial viability and transformative potential of these technologies in industrial settings. This study not only confirms the robustness of RFID-RTLS & BIM systems in various operational contexts but also exemplifies their substantial value in enhancing efficiency and transparency in commercial enterprises globally.

Key words: hemp fiber, treatment, repair cement mortar, bulk density, compressive strength, flexural strength
Abstract: Nowadays, a large number of concrete structures are approaching the end-of-service-life, and therefore the need for their maintenance and repair has increased. In order to meet future environmental targets, there is a significant rise in the usage of natural fibers for building materials production. The research presented in this paper deals with the effect of the different fiber conditions (e.g. untreated, wet or saturated with Ca(OH)2 solution) as well as mixture design (with respect to the usage/non usage the chemical admixture with and without water reduction) of the hemp fiber-reinforced repair cement mortar on the bulk density as well as 7-day flexural and compressive strengths. The experimental study was performed on six different repair mortar mixtures made with water-to-cement ratio of 0.5, i.e. the reference cement mixture, and five cement mortar mixtures containing 1% hemp fibers (length of 10 mm) added by mass of the cement.

Key words: railway traffic, railway-road crossing, safety, extraordinary events, breakage of half-barrier/barrier, railway-road crossing user
Abstract: Railway-road crossings are places of constant danger for the safety of participants in road and railway traffic, as there is a possibility of physical contact between moving vehicles, resulting in severe consequences in the event of a collision. Extraordinary events at level crossings, resulting in the breakage of half-barriers/barriers, on average account for over 50% of all extraordinary events in railway traffic. The subject of this study is the analysis of half-barrier/barrier breakages at level crossings in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the study is to determine the safety status of level crossings equipped with half-barriers/barriers in the Republic of Croatia, i.e., to establish the impact of the human factor on extraordinary events involving the breakage of halfbarriers/barriers. The working hypothesis is that extraordinary events such as the breakage of halfbarriers/barriers mainly occur due to the careless behavior of level crossing users. To support this hypothesis, multiple scientific methods were used in the study. The research results are based on secondary data sources for the period from 2018 to 2023.

Key words: cultural heritage, energy efficiency, emissions, nano materials, renovation, BIM
Abstract: Most of the buildings of the post-earthquake period in Skopje are built in “beton-brut” architectural style and nowadays, they are treated as an important cultural heritage of the city. Unfortunately, the envelope of those buildings is built without thermal insulation materials and consequently, they are large energy consumers responsible for tons of CO2 emission per year. In order to improve the energy performance and the building sustainability, as well as to prolong the lifespan with minimal impact on the authentic façade appearance, a renovation with a new façade nanomaterial with high thermal properties is proposed. The simulations of the existing building and the renovated scenario using Building Information Modeling (BIM) is conducted and comparative analyses between the actual condition and the improved scenario of the building are carried out. According to the simulation results, by adding the new material on the façade a significant improvement in the building's energy performance is achieved.

Key words: road traffic noise, traffic noise prediction models, noise monitoring, traffic engineering, sustainable mobility
Abstract: Traffic noise prediction models (TMNs) are widely used to estimate and monitor the environmental impact of road traffic noise. These models typically rely on a statistical approach, where extensive data is collected from specific sites and analyzed to create a best-fit relationship, often using a logarithmic function. The resulting parameters are then used to predict noise levels under various traffic conditions. However, this approach can introduce 'site bias,' as the parameters are tailored to the specific location and conditions where the data was collected. This paper reviews several well-known models and compares their predictions with with experimental data across different road types, considering variables such as speed, vehicle type, and traffic volume. It provides an overview of these models and offers a comparative analysis of their performance in various road environments.

Design and graphic

Key words: user experience (UX), design, product interaction, product satisfaction, pharmaceutical product
Abstract: In the era of faster and better customer access, a new concept is emerging. This concept is called User Experience (UX), which is used to develop and improve products in all areas of industrial design. In this paper, we researched the user impact and the potential for improvement in design, and therefore in all other marketing elements. We interviewed two user groups directly involved in the product application and, based on their observations, proposed a new product design that meets all the requirements that have been expressed. This design proposal affects usability, aesthetics, but also the greater application of the given product. The same experimental proposition can positively influence the manufacturer’s performance through better sales based on customer satisfaction with the product itself. All this proves that user experience is becoming a key term in the field of product interaction with the end user. The focus is on an individual or group who, based on their experience, outline their needs that prove useful in various fields. All this can be achieved by processing the data obtained from the user, i.e. the user experience..

Key words: logo design, higher education, applied arts, graphic elements
Abstract: This paper will present the process of redesigning the trademark of the Higher Education Technical School of Proffesional Studies in Novi Sad, with a special focus on the elements that influenced the need for a redesign. The path to the idea will be analyzed and the elements that influenced the necessity of the redesign will be given, as well as the elements that were used as the basis of the new design. The redesign of the visual identity implies following the trends and development of the trademark, its basic function in identification in visual communications.

Key words: industrial design, graphic technologies, plaques, lasers
Abstract: The design of industrial products plays an important role in the business of a company, because good design often depends on the success of a company or a certain event. Plaque design for music festivals plays a key role in the visual identity of the festival. The plaque must be recognizable worldwide, adapted to the event and users, and easily portable. When making plaques, lasers are successfully used for cutting materials. The paper explains the design of the plaque, the way it is made and the application of the CO2 laser for making a plaque for a music festival.

Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy and sociology

Key words: patient, psychological support, stress, stress management, stress control
Abstract: In recent decades, stress has become a "constant companion" of modern society, significantly affecting the quality of life and psycho-physical health. Since stress management can greatly improve an individual's psychophysical status, psychological support and assistance to patients under stress hold multiplied significance because every individual in the patient role is more sensitive and resilient than a person in everyday functioning. Understanding how a person copes with illness, the manner of accepting and overcoming illness both organically and psychologically, can be of crucial importance to medical workers and psychologists in providing adequate healthcare, quality support, and patient empowerment. All of this can be projected within a broader context than just medical care - through caring for people's health in the community. Numerous contemporary studies show that psychological support not only facilitates stress management but also contributes to long-term improvements in mental health, increased resilience to stressful situations, and a better quality of life.

Key words: health, body, lifestyle, perception, behavior, organism, adaptation
Abstract: The perception of the relationship towards health and one’s own body and the adoption of healthy lifestyles differ dramatically among individuals from various age, socioeconomic, educational backgrounds, and demographic factors. Contemporary research findings indicate that individual psychological characteristics, social norms, and media influence further shape these perceptions and behaviors. Modern society and its lifestyle entail numerous negative connotations for human health: from modern information technologies and devices, auxiliary aids, poor diet due to fast-paced living and chronic lack of time, insufficient physical activity as part of the trend of neglecting physical exercise, and more. All of this directly determines the conditions for normal, optimal functioning of the body as a whole, as well as its adaptation to the new circumstances of modern living trends. Based on a review and analysis of relevant research findings, this paper provides recommendations for creating effective public health strategies and interventions that would positively influence the adoption of healthy lifestyles or modify existing ones in different population groups.

Law, economics and political sciences

Key words: Identification systems, application, security, reliability
Abstract: Identification systems have a wide range of applications. In manufacturing and logistics, they are used to track the movement of products through various stages of the production process, as well as to monitor goods and optimize storage and transportation processes. Furthermore, inventory tracking and theft reduction can be facilitated by using identification systems. In healthcare, identification systems are used to identify patients and healthcare workers, enabling more efficient patient information management and reducing the likelihood of treatment errors. Identification systems are also employed in security, for instance, for identifying and tracking individuals in enclosed facilities or public places such as airports or stadiums.

Key words: identification systems, biometric systems, fingerprint, information technology, reliability
Abstract While integral to contemporary identification and security technologies, biometric identification systems also present challenges that require careful consideration. It is crucial to approach their implementation with caution, ensuring the development of effective systems that respect individuals' fundamental rights. Biometric identification systems utilize various physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial features, voice, or iris patterns, to establish a unique profile for each individual. These systems surpass traditional identification methods like passwords and cards due to their difficulty in deceiving and high reliability. However, their successful use necessitates a thorough understanding of their limitations and potential risks, which is paramount for making informed decisions and avoiding pitfalls.

Key words: company, corporate management, business changes, market, organization
Abstract: Corporate governance provides the organizational structure through which the company's goals are set and the means to achieve those goals are determined, as well as performance is monitored. The presence of an effective system of corporate governance, within an individual company and throughout the economy, helps to provide the degree of trust necessary for the proper functioning of a market economy. As a result, the cost of capital is lower and businesses are encouraged to use resources more efficiently.

Key words: telework, management, well-being, work productivity, statistical processing, neural networks
Abstract: In the contemporary world, subject to continuous challenges, in which crisis situations are becoming more and more diverse and complex, globalization is imposed, as a multi-causal process of international integration, generating interdependencies between states, from the perspective of the global approach to the world economy. The expansion of the implementation of telework has brought into focus several managerial aspects, which must be correlated with the employer's economic performance and the employee's job satisfaction. The experimental research highlighted new advantages of the implementation, keeping as a target the aspect of work productivity and that of "wellbeing". An original model of telework implementation was created, as well as a systemic approach, which allows a statistical analysis using the multiple regression method and the construction of neural networks, in order to identify some predictive aspects regarding the application of telework. The conclusions also include some managerial measures, in order to optimize the functioning of the telework sub-system.

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* Although all works published in this Book of Proceedings have undergone a peer review process, all responsibility for the content of the published works rests solely with the authors.